Newsletter stats

Stats from today at: 6:18 am (EST)

DWN Normal Newsletter

Weekday Date Send Open % from Send Unique Open % from Open
Wednesday 2025-02-19 300,000 34,046 11.35% 24,598 72.25%
Thursday 2025-02-20 0 2,484 0.83% 2,047 82.41%
Friday 2025-02-21 0 537 0.18% 448 83.43%
Saturday 2025-02-22 0 242 0.08% 212 87.60%
Sunday 2025-02-23 0 40 0.01% 31 77.50%
TOTAL   300,000 37,349 12.45% 27,336 73.19%

AI Finance Newsletter

Weekday Date Send Open % from Send Unique Open % from Open
Saturday 2025-02-22 300,000 39,125 13.04% 35,318 90.27%
Sunday 2025-02-23 0 1,235 0.41% 1,113 90.12%
TOTAL   300,000 40,360 13.45% 36,431 90.27%

We can only track an email open when the recipient downloads at least one embedded image in our newsletter, which is blocked by default on all Apple devices.
As a result, the actual number of people who read our email is always higher than the number we can track.

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